Share on is an online community resource that is available to all organisations who are working in the community/voluntary/education and or Third Sector. Collaborating with colleagues, peers, customers and suppliers is a must if you’re to maintain an interest in your work and attract additional funding and or sales.

As an organisation you can join the Share On community and disseminate your work to a wider international audience. The platform allows group members to publish documents and blog about their work and if required push these feeds out to a wider network of organisations via popular Social Media Networks.

Saturday, 7th December 2024


Foundational Economy

Monday, 2nd December 2024

Cooking healthy ready meals

Cooking healthy ready meals

Locally sourced pumpkins

Update on ready meal production

So the big advantage of using the Share On community is that you can free of charge Create a Buzz about what you are doing before you launch and during your work.

Its simple you just sign up and you are free to:

  • Share your projects work with a range of the other community based organisation
  • Find partners who can support and adopt your model
  • Look for new ideas and partners from an existing range of members who are from across the UK, France, Italy, Poland and Greece
  • Help develop new on line tools and resources that can be shared
  • Link with partners to identify new sales and grant funding
  • Market yourself to the Share On Community

How do you join?

Simply fill in the form below and accept the invite ….

Recent Organisations who have joined Share On....